This spring ( ah well.. every spring? ) almost every make up brand is hitting it hard for creme, pastelle, turqoise and pink. Do I like it? No. I adore it! ^^
So fresh, so crisp, so.. Delightful! *sighs*
I mean - Who doesn't want to look this fresh in the spring? =)
And you know what?
The name of the duo shadow is "Cupcake Matte"! Ain't that just adorable? ^^

Isadora is also releasing a new lip product that is supposed to be a mixture between lipstick and lipgloss in six different and shiny colors. Do I want them? Yes. Will I actually buy them?
Well.. I think you can consider me to be absolutley Teribble in buying lipsticks and gloss. But I try - I do! So Yes. I actually think that I will try to buy one of these if I like the formula. And the color I have in mind is #3 from the left ->
They also release three new nail polishes, and I adore them all. =)
For swatches - Just click the picture and you will be taken to Lipglossbitch's blog.
I am not that into pink... I far prefer dark colours, since I am pale, blonde and with green-blue eyes, so dark colours tend to highlight my eyes!
Ah, okey. =) I'm atually almost blond too, and with relly light skintone - But I kinda love all colors. ^^ ( As you maby already noticed ;) )
SvaraRaderahmm..no. 3 from the left did not look like the one the model is wearing at all:(